Get Faults from an ExecuteMultipleRequest

If you have multiple entities to create or update in a plugin, it can be useful to package all entity create messages up into one bundle and send the request off at once. It is possible to see a performance benefit from this, but typically it's used to fulfill a business requirement. However, it can be trickier to establish if any errors have occurred. When only one request is sent, such as executing a create request for one new entity, typically the request is wrapped in a try/catch block.

Here's an example showing how to bundle multiple UpsertRequests into one ExecuteMultipleRequest:

requests can then be executed to return a list of responses, which can be iterated over. For each response in the iteration, we can determine if a fault occurred and if it did, add the error to a list of errors:

  • response.RequestIndex is used to aaccess the response's corresponding request by matching their indexes.
  • responses.Responses contains a collection of ExecuteMultipleResponseItems.

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