Unit test your client-side customisations

If you regularly write client-side customisations for Dynamics 365 forms, you should strongly consider writing tests for them.

To do so, you will require a mock implementation of Dynamics' Xrm namespace object: the object you use to manipulate the form with functions such as getAttribute and setRequired. This is because though your code knows about the Xrm object when it's running on a Dynamics form in the browser, your tests won't know about it when running locally on your machine.

Mock the Xrm object

I've begun creating a mock implementation of Xrm here on my GitHub page. It's usage is straightforward, and you can follow my examples if you're using TypeScript to write your client-side customisations.

First, clone the repository using npm install xrm-mock.

Then, create a file for your entity's form. Here's an example for the contact entity:

Note: To use this script on a Dynamics form, just add Company.Contact.MainForm.onLoad as one of the form's onLoad() event handlers.

Then, create a second file to test your contact script. The below example is using jasmine.

Now run your tests

You'll now need to configure a test runner. If you've followed my example, you can install jasmine by running the following command in your terminal: npm install jasmine --save-dev. This assumes you have node installed on your machine.

Combined with jasmine, I use wallaby.js to visualise my tests as I'm writing my code. Here it is in action: